Creating good concrete foundation for your garden wall

Creating good concrete foundation for your garden wall

Footings_5I have seen many a garden wall has cracked or moved by the manufacturer deception or miscalculate the materials for the construction of the foundation.

Ask a house builder what would be the most important part of the structure of the house and he will say, I am sure, is the quality of the shoes that support the entire structure.

The fact that the foundations are out of sight does not mean they are less important than the aesthetic characteristics that are apparent to the eye.

If you are considering building a garden wall and then work on the basis that up to a third of its budget could be spent below ground. Get this very important part of building element to the right and structure, decorative or functional, it will last forever; you make a mistake and could face the unpleasant cracking and sinking and expensive repairs.
A general rule for garden walls is a 50% extra wide concrete footing that the proposed wall width intends to build.

The depth of concrete is always something that has to be interpreted based on the height and width of the wall.

If the wall is a brick be one wide and one meter high and then an 8-inch (conversion = 8 x 2.54cm = 20.3 cm) wide and 6 inches deep is more than adequate but adequate provision is depending on the needs required


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